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Here’s a rare realistic Nintendo Switch roster for NBA 2K20 by vetmin. Read everything he has added to this great roster below.

Nickname: vetmin
Roster name: BetterThanDefault – SeasonStart

In short, it’s an Opening Night roster with the following characteristics.

Appearances = Warriors are my team, so I input CAPs for Bowman (maybe Da Infamous?) and Lee (cdk), and I also used a CAP for Nunn (something from YouTube) — I tweaked all 3 a bit — but otherwise I didn’t bother with CAPs for people; I’d encourage you to just edit on your own any players you need to look right — UPDATE: CAPs have been included for any players without facescans who are on a 15-man roster (mostly based on cdk’s work), didn’t bother with 2-way guys except for Bowman and Lee, since I’d already done them

Height/Weight = Straight from as of these past few weeks
Injuries = As accurate as I could make them; note that Iguodala and Josh Jackson are out for Personal Reasons for the year… I leave it to the user when those personal issues are resolved
Contracts = NOT fixed; sorry, can’t do on Quick Edit so I’d rather just fix as I play each team, though I’ll probably only correct in my personal MyLeague, not in the roster file
Positions = I didn’t fiddle with the default position settings for each player, since I don’t rely on them for rotations (I use Advanced Rotations; see below)

Attributes = Default, except in cases where players received notable attribute boosts / nerfs, in which case I just selected the entire attribute row and bumped it up or down, though I did match the 3pt ratings to what is on; for players who 2K has only bumped or dropped by 1, I didn’t always edit them, since it’s not so significant — UPDATE: I ended up undoing everywhere that I unilaterally bumped an entire row up or down, since in retrospect it’s a little too indiscriminate; players like Devonte Graham, Paschall, Nunn, Herro, etc. have attributes based on a more recent official roster though, so guys like that who got major boosts should mostly have them here

Tendencies = RyanFitzmagic’s numbers; it was a ton of work just inputting these, so mega mega props to RF for his work in thinking these through in the first place; in some sense this is not the BTD Roster, but the RF Tendency Roster; notes =
Tendencies based on 2018-19 stats; for rookies I eyeballed it, comparing to other similar players on the team or to players they were compared to in their draft profiles
in cases where RF didn’t have a tendency for a particular player due to a missing stat, I input it into his formula using numbers from
I didn’t edit any free agents, just planning on doing them as needed; note that RF’s spreadsheet should include 18-19 tendencies for most notable free agents, though you may have to fill in stepbacks, floaters, and alley-oops from

for Shot tendency, I used the formula ((100-X)*0.7)+30, where X = RF’s Passes Made Per FGA — BIG UPDATE: though it wasn’t a problem in game, one big issue I noticed with sim stats is that stars were shooting WAY too little, so I had to adjust Shot Tendency to get certain guys shooting in that 17-23 FGA range. For the most part I adjusted Shot Tendency using the formula:
— 74 and under = +20
— 75-84 = +15
— 85 and up = +10
…where the first number is the original Shot Tendency (i.e., using my initial formula) and the second number is how much I boosted it. For Harden I bumped it up to 99. I didn’t boost Westbrook because he steals too many of Harden’s shots if I did

for iso tendencies, when the player has too few to have been officially logged, I set them as 0 5 5 10 (elite -> poor)
for Putbacks I used CelticLG’s numbers where available
Drive-R has been universally changed to 50, to encourage players to take what lanes the defense gives them
You MAY want to universally zero out Triple Threat Idle and Aggressive Backdown; in experimenting with sliders I found that this helped in some cases, but after settling on a lightly tweaked ShadyMike’s, I found that with his set I don’t need to mess with these tendencies

Badges = CelticLG’s; maybe worth revisiting for guys who made big leaps and maybe deserve an extra badge or two, but I leave this to the user’s discretion

Sig Shots = Mostly Default; I don’t know if it’s because I use Real Player % for everything, but I tested Woody’s Sig Shots on the Warriors and much preferred default, so in light of that I decided to just leave everything be — UPDATE: I caved and did sig edits based on CelticLG’s videos (+ a few YouTube videos to fill in missing spots). basically this means that most stars have full sig edits, while most other players have just a basic jump shot edit (some end-of-bench guys on most teams have no edits). Weirdly, I still swear by Steph and DLo’s official shots, which was the main basis for my not doing sig edits initially, but after testing fatjoe’s Switch roster I can’t deny that they on the whole they make the game feel a lot better

Rotations = Advanced Rotations by moi for each team; my goal was to create robust rotations that can be used all season long, and not just abandoned after a week when someone gets injured; just do 30-team control and set rotations for all teams as manual so when someone gets hurt or there is a roster change, you can just make the appropriate active <-> reserve swaps, which will wipe out the rotation, then reload the team’s rotation (you may need to save them all as roster files first; don’t know if those files import with the roster) and use Role Mode in the timeline to re-assign the affected player(s)’ minutes; to this end, they are…
Simple 10-man rotations
On the timeline, no one is assigned multiple positions, the idea being that if someone gets hurt, one can make a 2-second substitution with Role Mode, rather than going into Paint Mode and re-thinking the entire rotation; I explain my reasoning a bit more here:…il-ps4-87.html

I also made an effort to avoid big group subs, except in cases where they’re realistic

Note that these are not strict Opening Night-based rotations; they’re general ’19-20 rotations based on what teams have been doing in real life so far. Some notes about specific rotations:

Note that no rotations include injured players (even ones with yellow injuries); if you use these Advanced Rotations, I’d encourage you to tweak them in the case of any major injuries / roster changes, as well as before the playoffs (I might even adjust them series by series in my MyLeague)

Playbooks = CelticLG’s

Staff = CelticLG / SimWorld CFOs (i.e., Owners), Assistant GMs (i.e., GMs), Head Coaches, and Assistant Coaches, and I did my best to face-match with 2K’s staff heads; also bumped the fake Scouts & Trainers to a B+ minimum; in some cases I changed the identity of the Owners / GMs where there are ambiguities or ownership groups… or in the case of any women, as NBA 2K (pretty outrageously) lacks female staff heads, so Paul Allen and Tom Benson have been resurrected, Jim Buss runs the Lakers, etc.; for all Assistant Coaches who are not auto-generated, I left them be, even if CelticLG lists someone else as the Assistant Coach, as I didn’t want to waste any ‘real’ face-scanned coaches

I ported all of the ATD ‘free agent’ Head Coaches and you can find them on the staff of the earliest classic teams; also on those teams I’ve ported some other staff, though I didn’t bother with everyone CelticLG did, just enough to give a few hiring options out of the box; I put them on the classic teams in the roster file so that you’d be able to quickly find them and edit them if you wish, but if you want them in your candidate pool, just fire them from the classic teams before starting your MyLeague

Just for reference, due to the Staff names bug (i.e., roster file not remembering certain staff names), here are the names of everyone so you can fix any incorrect names after you’ve started your MyLeague; fortunately the bug is just for names; all faces/ratings/etc. should be correct

Listed as Owner / GM / Head Coach / Assistant Coach

Points of Emphasis & Coach Settings = AntDoggyDogg’s POEs, and Coach Settings have 100 Zone Usage and 100 Run Plays, everything else default — UPDATE: changed offensive focus to Play Through Star (to get stars shooting a higher FGA) and when you start your MyLeague, you need to go through and set up the top scorers of each team. Mostly this should mirror who among your team’s real-life star players / top scorers have a high Shot Tendency already (i.e., who got the boost I describe above). in a number of cases you may only want to set the top scoring option (like Giannis as the only option for the Bucks, Beal as the only option for Wiz), and leave #2 and #3 blank. I suggest setting Harden as the only preferred scoring option for the Rockets, otherwise Westbrook cannibalizes Harden’s FGA too much. Just adjust these settings as needed if it seems like the sim stats are off

MyLeague sliders = haven’t really tested any with this roster, but I plan to roll with Schnaidt’s (with no team chemistry, morale, or progressive fatigue, and 30-team control with manual rotations and front office moves; a lot of this is personal preference) — UPDATE: uploaded a set titled “Schnaidt 4 BTD Roster” that includes sim sliders that seem to work well with this roster. also a note that I prefer to set contract negotiation difficulty at 0, since I trust myself to give guys a realistic salary, but I don’t want the CPU to have guys unrealistically reject reasonable (or even very generous) contracts

Gameplay sliders = I’ve tested a lot and most work pretty well, but personally I’ve gotten the best results with ShadyMike’s current set (see video info blurb here: ), with the following tweaks:

Pass Accuracy: 30/30
Steal Success: 55/55
Offensive Rebounding: 15/10
UPDATE: getting a nice flow with Brooke’s updates to the movement sliders (i.e., default except USER values are +3) combined with USER speed being down to 50. uploaded set as “ShadyBrooke4BTDRstr”, I believe

The first two are just to create more turnovers (I’m willing to live with high steal numbers if it means realistic turnover numbers), and the third is just to fix crazy rebounding; didn’t want to mess with Shady’s sauce too much as it’s doing pretty well for me; note though that I AM using Fatigue, unlike what Shady suggests; seems to work fine to me

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